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Building Your First React Native Application: A Step-by-Step Guide
A lovely bath

Anirban Das

4 mins read

React Native has emerged as a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications with JavaScript and React. Its ability to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms makes it a favorite among developers. In this gu...
Using Tailwind CSS with Next.js: A Comprehensive Guide
A lovely bath

Anirban Das

4 mins read

Introduction Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that has gained immense popularity for its flexibility and ease of use. Combined with Next.js, a powerful React framework for building server-rendered applications, you can create modern, res...
The History of jQuery: Transforming Web Development
A lovely bath

Anirban Das

4 mins read

Introduction In the early days of web development, creating dynamic and interactive websites was a cumbersome task. Developers had to deal with inconsistent browser implementations and verbose JavaScript code to achieve even simple interactivity. Thi...
The History of React.js: A Journey Through Time
A lovely bath

Anirban Das

4 mins read

Introduction React.js, commonly referred to as React, is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications. Since its inception, React has revolutionized the way developers create web a...
The Evolution of Angular: A Journey Through the History of One of the Most Popular Web Frameworks
A lovely bath

Anirban Das

5 mins read

Angular is one of the most widely used frameworks for building dynamic web applications. Since its inception, it has undergone significant changes, evolving to meet the demands of modern web development. This blog explores the history of Angular, fro...
Navigating the Recent Job Market for Programmers: Trends, Opportunities, and Tips
A lovely bath

Anirban Das

5 mins read

The job market for programmers is dynamic and ever-evolving, influenced by technological advancements, economic shifts, and industry demands. In 2024, the landscape offers both challenges and opportunities for new and seasoned programmers alike. This...
Exploring Generative AI: Revolutionizing Industries with Artificial Creativity
A lovely bath

Anirban Das

4 mins read

Introduction Generative AI has been making waves across various industries, transforming how we approach creativity, problem-solving, and automation. Unlike traditional AI models that are designed to classify or predict data, generative AI models can...

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